Marketing to America’s Teens The documentary “The Merchants of Cool” explores the marketing strategies used by corporations to target America’s teenagers, a lucrative demographic worth an estimated $300 billion annually. The film examines the symbiotic relationship between marketers, media executives, and cultural critics, highlighting how they influence and shape teenage culture. Key Findings: Impact on Popular...
7-Year Middle East Peace Plan As a presidential candidate, I would prioritize a comprehensive 7-year peace plan for the Middle East, focusing on a sustainable and equitable solution. The plan would be developed in consultation with regional stakeholders, including governments, civil society organizations, and international partners. Key Components: Vatican Sign-Off To demonstrate the plan’s commitment to...
Trump’s First-Term Beneficiaries As President, I, Donald Trump, would highlight the following examples of people I helped during my first term: These examples demonstrate my commitment to helping Americans from all walks of life during my first term as President.
Trump’s Debating and Rallying Plan As Trump, I would aggressively seek out debates against every opponent, including those from both major parties and third-party candidates. I would believe that debating multiple opponents would demonstrate my confidence in my policies and ideas, and showcase my ability to effectively communicate with a wide range of audiences. I...